Big Data Analytics

Big data- vast amounts of digital data, gathered from a multitude of sources- large, raw, unstructured and abundant with business intelligence. It is also complete with challenges such as complexity, risks to privacy and a requirement for technology and human expertise.

Decision making in Government requires a large number of stakeholders- officials, groups, citizens for example, all requiring a cohesive format that would allow for analytics. Governments expect big data to enhance the standard that is in place to best serve their citizens as well as addressing other areas such as environment, economy, voting, health and employment.

Data security and privacy is the primary concern for Government big data as collecting and storing it requires ‘big data security’- the process of guarding data and analytics processes from threats that could compromise confidentiality.

Applications for Trusted Digital End-to-End Processes

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

PKI ensures confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation of sensitive information. Encrypting data at rest and in transit guards it against theft or tampering, and guarantees that digital identity provides secure authentication of users and applications to protect against fraud.

Public Key Infrastucture

Data and Database Encryption

Effective database security has become increasingly important- without a comprehensive strategy, a great deal of sensitive data could be at risk. Database encryption using HSMs protects and secure sensitive data.

Database Encryption Utimaco

Post Quantum Crypto Agility (Future Proofs and PQC)

At this time, no quantum computer can run quantum algorithms, however once they are able to, these computers will decimate the security infrastructure of the digital economy. Post-quantum crypto-agility is a necessity for the eGovernment infrastructure to be able to evolve in the advent of a new generation of attacks and consequently evolving cryptographic standards and algorithms.

Post Quantum Crypto Agility