CryptoServer CP5

CryptoServer CP5 – The certified HSM for Generation and Storage of Qualified Certificates for Electronic Signatures and Seals

Key Benefits

Qualified Signature/ Seal Creation Device (QSigCD & QSealCD)

The CryptoServer CP5 has received eIDAS certification as both a Qualified Signature and Qualified Seal Creation Device (QSCD) and can be used as a standalone QSCD or as a part of a combined QSCD with remote signing solutions

Signature Activation Module (SAM) Ready for eIDAS Server Signing

By utilizing an add-on product from UTIMACO - the CryptoServer SDK - for development of a Signature Activation Module (SAM), running inside the certified boundary of the HSM.

Strong Hardware Protection of Sensitive Assets


CryptoServer CP5 – The certified HSM for Qualified Signing, Sealing and Certificate Issuing

To help facilitate interoperability and acceptance across borders, the eIDAS regulation created a common framework for secure electronic signatures, including standardized assurance levels.

Qualified certificates must be stored on a qualified signature creation device (QSCD or QSigCD) and in order to provide eSignature services, a qualified trust service provider (QTSP) is required.

UTIMACO’s CryptoServer CP5 is a Qualified Signature/ Seal Creation Device which is operated in the secure environment of a QTSP to provide users with a remote signing functionality. When used in combination with qualified certificates, the QSCD generates qualified electronic signatures or seals as defined in eIDAS. (QSigCD) and Qualified Seal Creation Device (QSealCD). It is
Depending on the technology and validation behind the signature, certain types of signatures are inherently more trustworthy than others, withstanding higher legal scrutiny. Therefore, for
use cases requiring qualified trust services such as government agencies, public administration, and enterprises; the CryptoServer CP5 provides the highest levels of assurance and conformity for efficient signing transactions, as a part of an eIDAS-compliant solution.

The CryptoServer CP5 offers various customization options such as extending it with a Signature Activation Module (SAM) running inside the certified HSM boundary and following the requirement of Protection Profile EN 419 241-2 by utilizing the CryptoServer SDK development kit.
This combined solution enables Trust Service Providers to provide server signing for remote signatures and seals.

The included Software Simulator enables evaluation and testing of all CryptoServer CP5 use case integration with business applications before the deployment into production.

High security for regulated use cases

Supported Cryptographic Algorithms

Support for various Application Interfaces (APIs)

Extensive remote management and monitoring

Fulfills Various Security Compliance Mandates

Fulfills Various Environmental Compliance Requirements

Software Simulator Included


Our on-premise options allow hosting the product directly on-site in your own network or data center.

CryptoServer SDK

UTIMACO’s professional development kit allows for implementing firmware extensions for SecurityServer and PaymentServer built on CryptoServer Se Gen2- and CryptoServer CSe-series.

Find more details 360 360 is a hardware and software based management platform enabling centralized administration, monitoring and provisioning for Atalla AT1000 and CryptoServer LAN V5 HSMs.

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