Secure Digital Transformation

Today, digital identity is seen as an opportunity to drive transformational change for citizens, businesses and public administrations, helping governments to empower people and build a more connected digital society by delivering a digital-first customer journey – services and innovations that will enhance the lives of citizens whilst delivering cost savings.

Digital identity is a fundamental component in modern private and business life, unlocking access and facilitating interaction on how citizens vote, access medical records, sign documents, complete online administration, and obtain government services and education – anywhere and at any time.

In order to prosper, Governments need to balance security as well as offer a high degree of privacy and security within a ‘trust framework’, particularly as digital transformation progresses on a wider scale and as technologies advance.

Efficient and transparent digital public services that are cross-border and interoperable by default, trustworthy and secure – replacing paper-based services with online transactions.

Applications for Trusted Digital End-to-End Processes

Digital Signatures

Digital identities are critical for security of a constant purely digital business relationship which is based on a continuous transmission of data where there are privacy concerns as to how it should be managed. Digital signatures leverage PKI certificates to offer the highest levels of security and universal acceptance in compliance with regulations such as eIDAS.

Multi Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication securely restricts access to the service infrastructure and reliably identifies the user. Hardware security modules (HSMs) generate, manage and store the secure cryptographic keys required for authenticating a user or device in a broader network.


PKI ensures confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation of sensitive information. Encrypting data at rest and in transit guards it against theft or tampering, and guarantees that digital identity provides secure authentication of users and applications to protect against fraud.

Post Quantum Crypto Agility (Future Proofs and PQC)

At this time, no quantum computer can run quantum algorithms, however once they are able to, these computers will decimate the security infrastructure of the digital economy. Post-quantum crypto-agility is a necessity for the government infrastructure to be able to evolve in the advent of a new generation of attacks and consequently evolving cryptographic standards and algorithms.